Example - Batch Actions

This example illustrates the step required to use the jacocotogo maven plugin to retrieve coverage information from multiple sources, and optionally, merge the data into a single file.

JaCoCo Java Agent Configuration

The JVM which you wish to obtain coverage metrics from must be instrumented at runtime via the JaCoCo Java Agent. Additionally, one of the following options is required:

  1. The output option must be set to tcpserver to expose expose the JaCoCo agent via TCP.
  2. The jmx option must be enabled to expose the JaCoCo MBean via JMX.

    Further Instructions for configuring the JaCoCo java agent are available at: http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/agent.html.

Plugin Configuration

To retrieve coverage metrics from multiple remote JVMs after integration tests have completed:


                            <!-- global parameters, apply to all sources -->

                            <!-- will not fail the build if data can not be retrieved from server(s).
                                This parameter is optional and defaults to 'false'. -->
                            <!-- create a merged file with data from all sources.
                                This parameter is optional and defaults to 'false'. -->

                            <!-- the path specified below is the default location and may be omitted -->

                            <!-- end global parameters -->

                            <!-- a list of locations from which JaCoCo execution data should be retrieved -->

                                <!-- this source will fetch via TCP. -->

                                    <!-- tcp or jmx to specify how data should be retrieved.
                                        Not required when 'serviceURL' is set....  See example below. -->

                                    <!-- the hostname where the remote JVM is located.
                                        Not required when 'serviceURL' is set.... See example below.  -->

                                    <!-- port from which JaCoCo execution data can be retrieved.  Either via
                                        tcp or via jmx -->

                                    <!-- optional specification of where JaCoCo execution data will be written.
                                        Defaults to '${project.build.directory}/jacocotogo/jacoco[n].exec' where
                                        [n] is an integer representing the index of the 'source' -->

                                    <!-- optional parameter specifying whether JaCoCo coverage statistics should be
                                        reset after data is fetched.  Defaults to true -->


                                <!-- this source is identical to above, but specified using serviceURL -->

                                <!-- this source will fetch via JMX -->                                

                                    <!-- username to use to authenticate with JMX server.  Only required
                                        if JMX authentication is enabled. -->

                                    <!-- password to use to authenticate with JMX server.  Only required
                                        if JMX authentication is enabled. -->


                                <!-- this source is identical to above, but specified using serviceURL -->
